Yes, Misstrix
Yes, Misstrix Podcast
Love and Relationship Resolutions for 2024

Love and Relationship Resolutions for 2024

Let’s make intention-setting sexy again.

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Hello and welcome to the Yes, Misstrix audio companion. It’s been a great while since I sat in front of my sexy blue mic and chatted at all of you, but I’m so glad to be back. This week’s episode is titled, “Love and Relationship Resolutions for 2024: Let’s make intention-setting sexy again,” but before we dive into the content this week, I wanted to share a little update about why this newsletter has been in chaos since before the holidays. My hope is that it doesn’t feel like chaos to you, only to me, but either way, I wanted to be honest about some things that have been going down and how it has impacted my regular posting.

First and foremost, Happy New Year, everyone. I hope 2024 is off to a magical start. I’ve decided that this is going to be a big, important year for me, one that is abundant and sexy and fucking incredible on many fronts. It also feels like it’s going to be a powerful year for people in general. I have no logical basis to say this. It’s just how the energy feels to me.

Now, despite 2024 being a year for the ages, the end of 2023 and early weeks of 2024 came with a lot of ups and downs. The short version is: Ohio, COVID, Holidays, Ohio, Travel Delays, New Floors. The longer  version begins with the fact that R., Baby E. and I traveled to Ohio ahead of the winter holidays. We didn’t go together though. R. traveled with our pup Frodo by SUV, and I traveled solo with the Bean via American Airlines flights. Don’t worry friends, Bean and I crushed it. As you may have seen in the previous newsletter, Baby E., true to form, flirted with everyone around her and delighted our fellow travelers with her smiles. She convinced people on every single flight to play peek-a-boo with her between the gaps in the seats.

When we got to Ohio, we spent about a week with R.’s family in a suburb of Columbus before meeting my family at a cabin the woods and eventually spending more time with them in my hometown, which is a suburb of Cleveland. Right before the cabin adventure, my mom called to say she had COVID. We decided to risk it and still go. I know a lot of you might disagree with this choice, but there was a hot tub. I feel like that explains everything.

And it was a really boss hot tub, actually more of a soaking pool that heated to 100+ degrees, so even though I did get a little sick, I’m telling you it was worth it. I know some of you are probably hating this, but everything turned out to be fine, as I knew it would be. Regardless, having COVID for the first time did set back my writing by more than a few days. I only felt bad for a short time, but I cannot write and be witty if I’m tired, as I have trouble concentrating and, you know, being funny. There was some additional brain fog as well.

After the trip ended, it was two more flights with Baby Bean and back to Texas. That’s when the holidays hit. I also started ramping up on paid work during that time, which is pretty unusual. All this coincided with going back to Ohio for a second time with Little E. to attend my sister’s baby shower—the first baby shower I’ve actually shown up for in literal years. I usually just send a gift because everyone knows that baby showers are boring, and the gifts are the whole thing anyway. I digress.

Being in Ohio should be better for my writing life, but I also got more work-work during this time. And then the flight delays hit, and we ended up being there longer, which would have been OK if we didn’t take three trips to the airport before we could actually take off. Then, we got home just in time to have to move all our furniture into the garage, so we could get new floors installed. They look amazing, but it was also A PROCESS to get everything ready to go. Alas, that brings us to now. That’s a bit of a rambly recap, but you get the idea. ONWARD, I say. Let’s get into today’s topic.

This one is near and dear to my heart, friends, because your girl LOVES herself some New Year energy. New Year’s Eve is by far my favorite holiday because I enjoy the feeling of a fresh start. On the night before the ball drops, we are so filled with potential. Everything is possible. We can be anyone and anything we desire in the forthcoming calendar year. It is all there before us, and the future feels powerful. We can transform ourselves anew.

Now, if you know anything about the statistics associated with New Year’s resolutions, you know that most of us aren’t actually transforming ourselves at all, at least not after the first six weeks of the year. I firmly believe that’s because we set garbage, soul-sucking intentions that we don’t want to follow anyway, so we don’t after the newness of becoming reborn wears off and running daily at 6 am seems like the type of thing drunk-you thought was a good idea but Dry-January-you is not vibing with even a little.

So, what if we stop bullying ourselves into meal prepping and journaling and keto dieting and actually make resolutions we’re delighted to keep—ones that feel good in our bodies and uplift our souls? I think we’d see a lot more people maintaining their momentum all the way to the following winter, instead of caving two weeks after Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow. Not sure where to start? I got you covered. Here are five love and relationship resolutions you didn’t know you needed this year.

1.       Break up with people who suck. They don’t all rhyme, I promise. If you’ve been with the newsletter a while, you know where a stand on this one. You’re not obligated to be in shitty relationships. You just aren’t.

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Yes, Misstrix
Yes, Misstrix Podcast
An audio companion about sex, love and relationships.