Sitemap - 2023 - Yes, Misstrix

Counter Parent Shaming with Critical Thinking

My Husband is the Most Annoying Person I Know

Were We Always This Boring?

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Romance Novels

How Healing Your Inner Teen Can Improve Your Relationship with Yourself and Others

Gen Z is Choosing Celibacy Over Shitty Sex but Is That the Right Choice?

The Best Thing I’ve Ever Written

Being Married Means Never Having to Do Paperwork


The Year of Finding My People

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Trad Wives, Soft Girls and Stay-at-Home Girlfriends

Want to Increase Your Sex Appeal in One Easy Step?

Are You Getting What You Want from Your Romantic Relationship?

Stop Giving Away Your Light

Practicing Radical Responsibility in Love

Is Jimmy G. the NFL’s Hottest Quarterback?

The Delicate Art of Loving from a Distance

How Much Sex is Enough Sex in Long-Term Relationships?

How to Train Your Partner to Give You Compliments

The Mother of All Rage

Should You Endure a Seven-Year Separation in Lieu of Divorce?

First They Came for Our Bodies, Now They’re Coming for Our Relationships

My Body, Myself

Ask Better Questions. Give Better Compliments.

Some Thoughts on Self-Love

I’m the Problem. It’s Me.

A Definitive Ranking of 10 (More) Celebrities That Would (Probably) Blow Your Mind in Bed

The Put-Upon Father

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Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud

You Are Not Obligated to Be in Relationships that Suck


Mother of the Year

Cultivating a Relationship with Creativity

We Should All be Flirting More

A Little Bit About Love Languages

Is Vacation Sex Better than Break-Up Sex?

Every Woman Needs a Friend Who Would Help Her Bury a Body

4 Words that Stop Me from Hating My Husband

The Villa Dick

Bad Mama

My Best Marriage Advice

Coffee: A Love Story in Three Acts

The Public Performance of Breaking Up

Human Design + Your Romantic Relationships

How Human Design Helps Your Relationship with Yourself

No More Mr. Nice Guy

When Sexuality Clashes with Conservative Faith

From Bathsheba to Brokeback Mountain

Sex, Medical Ethics and Questionable Allies

Please Have Enough Self-Worth Not to Join a Sex Cult

I Started This Newsletter for My Daughter, And Now, She’s Here

A Definitive Ranking of 10 Celebrities That Would (Probably) Blow Your Mind in Bed

Join me on Notes

Unleash Your Inner Writer

Using Gendered Energy and Sex to Manifest the Life You Truly Desire

A No-Bullshit Conversation about Sex and Gender

The Weirdest Sex I’ve Ever Had

Finding Joy in Motherhood is a Reclamation

Reclaiming Motherhood Without Martyrdom

The Fallacy of a "Not Like Other Girls" Mentality

Yet Another Example of French Women Being #Goals

How Crimson Minx Became Her Own Sexual Muse

Expressing the Dark Feminine Through Sensual Movement

Forget the Bubble Bath. Have an Affair Instead.

How KP Got Her Groove Back

"Everything Came Off."

Two Rules for a Happy Household

Is Your Sex Drive Actually Low?

The Very Unsexy Reason I Haven’t Seen a Doctor in a Decade

If You’re Having a Dessert That’s Better Than Sex…